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This concept was adopted by our company in the early 2006 when we started our very first futuristic cyber design on a Volkswagon Golf GTI. This unique concept was innovated by our company and has since been quite popular.


Futuristic or cyber concept can come about in symmetrical lines, squares, octagon shapes and different sizes to give a more advanced and futuristic feel. We have even gone further by having car parts and accessories embedded in this design to give a more complex feel. This concept gives a more slick and stylish feel as compared to the other concepts. This concept can also be fusion with track style as seen in the pictures which gives a more impact and dynamic feel, yet refreshing.


We have also introduced this unique concept to Lim Tan Motor, Edge Tuning Track car and CK Performance Garage as well as our very own Singapore Drifter Shah, official drifter of Toyo Tires and Exotic Tuner.

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